Play Porn Games review

Play Porn Games
One thing I will say is that the design could have been done in a much better way since this place reminds me of the early 2000s, where we only had a plain background and random shit to list in the middle. I thought that we left those sad early stages of the internet, but apparently, some of us still live in the past. At least the shit they have to offer is not that bad!
At the beginning, you will have all kinds of sex games listed, and they are all placed there randomly. So, if you love sex games, you will probably not mind that this shit is all random, but those with special kinks in mind should check out the categories. When it comes to sex game websites, I expect them to create an actual search tab with good search options, but for some reason, most of them do not offer anything.
At least, does have a bunch of categories on the side, but they are not even listed in a special tab. You have all the basic shit covered, and just to tell you now, there are not that many categories. In addition, you have a search box on top, but we all know how that shit works. I was quite disappointed to see that they do not offer that many search options… but at least you have the basic options covered… better something than nothing, I guess.
Keep in mind that while the design and search options are quite shitty here, the content they have to offer is great; otherwise, I would probably not even review this place. I do review a lot of websites; some better than others, but that does not mean that I do not skip some places. If a site has literally nothing to fucking offer, then I do not even bother, obviously.