NewGrounds Adult Games review

NewGrounds Adult Games
I mean, they surely deserve a whole lot of attention, seeing as they are very well made and that I haven't seen many websites that could step up to Newgrounds Adult Games when it comes to porno games. Now, there are some that make some rather excellent erotic games that actually have a story and all that, but honestly, who cares about the stories? People just want to lay the fuck back and control the pace and the angles as they fuck their favorite video game character, or their favorite character from a movie, or a show, or something like that. It's just how people are.
So, if you're like the majority of people (at least I believe the majority of people are like this, though I might be wrong), then Newgrounds is the place to be, a website filled with so many porn games that you'll lose your mind. Thankfully, not only does this website give you all of these games free of charge, but all of them are playable in your browser, so you don't have to worry about viruses and malware and shit like that. No downloads, no character creation, nothing!
Now, this website has a very simplistic design, and it has many sections, but for real, you don't need to care about these other sections because, as I've explained it: This is where it's at. This is the best section of Newgrounds. Sure, there are parts of the website where you get to see hot pictures and all that, but do you not want to interact with those pictures in some way? Come on, I mean, imagining things is not good enough for you, I'm sure of it. It's not enough for me, that's something I can bet on. Picturing myself having sex with these toons is so boring, I want to actually fuck them, at least in their own 2D universe, since I can't do any better than that.