MuchoHentai review
MuchoHentai does have some Hentai dubbed in Spanish, but the majority of the site is in English. In case you were wondering, the name translates to “Lots of Hentai,” which is exactly what you’ll find on It’s basically a free porn tube specializing in the stuff
The main page looks like any other porn tube on the ‘net, except all the explicit screengrabs feature anime sluts, not flesh-and-blood babes. Obviously, this is smut for a particular type of viewer. That’s you, right?
First are all of the New Releases, grouped together. Next, you’ll find them broken down into Recent Japanese Raw Hentai Releases, Recent English Subbed Hentai Releases, Recientes Primicias Hentai En Español, and Recent Hentai Previews.
Having easy access to hentai in your native language is pretty convenient. I hate when I’m trying to beat off to a cartoon of a schoolgirl princess being raped by a tentacle demon and I can’t understand the dialogue. I just can’t bust a nut when the fate of the universe lingers. Your mileage may vary, depending on how important the plot is to your masturbatory satisfaction.
Nobody is going to accidentally confuse MuchoHentai with a clean anime site. Sure, a lot of the screencaps are just faces twisted in what could be orgasmic bliss or just some light gassiness, but most of them are pretty fucking dirty. I’m talking glistening titties bouncing, faces buried in poon, and devil bitches riding cock. This ain’t Dragonball Z.
As for that age-old hentai question, yes, you’re going to have to put up with pixelated genitals on MuchoHentai. What can I tell you? This is the genuine article here, 100% legit hentai, straight from Japan. Anything produced in the Land of the Rising Sun is going to have the cunts and cocks blurred out. If you want fully animated, anatomically correct pussy impalings, check out a fan site or something.