HentaiMama review

Hentaimama.io is a hentai porn site with all of the newest and best content around. It’s updated all of the time, so you will always find the newest shit there. This site is pretty new to the game and has only been around for four years, but they are pulling in a staggering 7 million views every single month. They are fucking killing it, especially for a site so new. But numbers aren’t everything. Sites can suck and still get a ton of traffic. So, let’s jump in and see if this site can back that shit up and walk the walk.
Fuck, I can’t believe it. A site that actually has a dark theme and a unique layout. This design is not cookie-cutter like a lot of other free sites are, which is a great change of pace. Everything on Hentai Mama is done in a dark design with purple borders and boxes. This choice, which too many sites decide not to go with, makes it much easier to browse at night without being blinded by the light. And the way things are laid out is pretty solid, too. A banner up top slides by showing off what I assume are the more popular hentai videos. It doesn’t really say.
Below the banner, you’ve got sections for 2017 releases, recent series, and recent episodes. I wonder why it’s not a 2018 section. Some of the content there looks to have been released after 2017, so they should definitely get a move on and update that shit. And the sorting options here are pretty great. You can flip through from A-Z using the buttons up top or filter the entire page by genre, producer, or upload date. And they have all the classic stuff here too. Content dating back all the way from 1995. The genres encompass just about anything you could possibly be searching for. 8bit, Blowjob, Bestiality, Slave, Stockings, you fucking name it.