HentaiHand review

HentaiHand.com is a fairly new hentai site that has really been taking off over the last few months. They’re currently pulling a little over a million hits per month, with a steady curve going way the fuck up. Considering how much filthy free doujinshi is on this motherfucker, it’s no wonder all the otaku neckbeards are flocking to the joint.
There is no superfluous bullshit on the landing page to HentaiHand. Hell, the name ain’t even in the fucking logo, it’s just a stylized HH. There’s a search bar and a drop-down menu, and the rest of the page is entirely bricked up in hentai covers. I’ve got an adblocker running, so if there are any Chinese penis pill or fake Gucci ads, I don’t see them.
I do see a bunch of fucking kinky manga sluts, though. The default view shows you the newest stuff first, or you can check out what’s hot right now. Without touching anything, I see a bunch of big titty manga MILFs, some athletic babes with smooth, shiny curves, a voluptuous waifu giving the reader a seductive look, and a surprising amount of lolicon.
HentaiHand is an international site, so beside each hentai title is a little flag that tells you what language the comic is in. It looks like most of the new stuff is in Japanese, but I also see stuff on the front page in Chinese and English. English is represented by a Union Jack, not the Stars & Stripes, which I think is fucking bullshit. We’ve got a president who is openly a huge fan of incest and who has golden showers movies floating out there, which is exactly the kind of president you’d find in a filthy doujinshi.