XlecX (XcartX) review

XlecX (XcartX)
XlecX.com aka XcartX.com is a really young site. They didn’t even hit the web until 2016. The fact that they’re now getting over six million visits a month should tell you something. The simple description at the very top spells out their secret: Porn Comics Free Online.
I don’t want to be a dick or nothin’, but XlecX ain’t winning any design awards with the layout. It’s very basic, with tired-looking fonts and a frankly ugly background. The overall style looks outdated, like something you’d find on the Internet a decade or two ago.
The flash on the outside isn’t too important, though. What we’re more concerned with is the quality and quantity of the smut on tap.
I’m assuming the dozen hentai offerings on the front page are arranged by date added, though there’s no readily apparent way to reorder them. I can’t even find post dates when I click through to the full comics, but I could be distracted by all the rabbit sluts and futanari, aka dick-girls.
The whole collection is more than 300 pages like this, full of different (incest) porn comics to get the blood flowing to your cock. The individual page count for each story are listed on the thumbnail. They’re kind of all over the place, from a few pages to epic-length cartoon bangs. However you slice it, there’s an absolute fuck-ton of free material here.