Heavy R review

Heavy R
There are some more conventional videos tossed in the mix here and there as well. Also featured were “Fucking Girl in Pussy and Ass,” and “Big Cum Load on Face in Park.” So, it’s not all shit that could be out of some twisted freak show from Rob Zombie’s nightmares. I guess even the most avid poop eating enthusiasts need to cleanse the palette every once in a while with some good old-fashioned videos of people fucking.
I’m not sure how it works exactly. Maybe they warm up with the normal porn stuff and work their way up to “Cock Wasp Torture?” Or maybe they get themselves good and excited with prolapsed shitty anuses (how else are you gonna get hard?) and then finish it all off with some relatively mild hardcore porn. Either way, if you’re just looking for porn that doesn’t involve torture or fecal matter, you are probably better off trying one of the thousands of other tube sites out there.
But, you know, different strokes for different blokes, I suppose (so long as everyone in these videos is in them of their own free will). I’m not here to judge your sick and fucked up fantasies. I’m just here to review porn sites. And, with that, let’s take a look at how Heavy-R stacks up as a porn site (and I’ll try not to be traumatized in the process).