YourPorn review

Even if you manage to hit the x button, they will still open a few little ads, and only when you've bombarded the x button with clicks will they go away. I would just ignore these motherfuckers, but you can't because they hover above the thumbnails. Did I mention that when you hover above the thumbnails with your cursor that a little preview starts playing? That's pretty nice, I guess.
Up until now, we've only been talking about the homepage and pretty much nothing else. However, this is where it all changes. We mention the other sections of SexyPorn (YourPorn) (often misspelled as "YourPornSexy", "YouPorn Sexy", "You Porn Sexy", "yourporn/sexy" and "") that aren't nearly as fun as the home page and sections that you most likely won't even use. So, first off, we have a header tab named "live," and if you click on this one, you get a live stream of pornography. Not camgirls or stuff like that, but usually casting videos and things like that.