PornTrex review

PornTrex knows what’s best when it comes to videos in general as well. Looking through the site while using all of the options that are given to you will always yield in some of the sexiest porn videos that you’ve ever seen in your life. It seems that the videos have a good representation in the categories though we’ll get to that in a bit. Overall, the content on this website is amazing, and on top of all that, it’s completely free for you to watch and stream without any limitations.
Now, let’s talk a little bit about the design since I’ve got some mixed feelings about it. First off, I like the color palette. It feels smooth, modern, and it pretty contrasty which brings a lot of life to the actual site. It does feel like it’s a bit much with all the information that it places on you at one moment, and this becomes brazenly obvious when you look at some of the dropdown menus which just seem too cluttered to me. There are no animations here, just straight-up pop-ups and it can get a bit wild because of that.