HQporner review

The best part of hqporner.com? They provide nothing but HD content from all the premium paid sites for absolutely free. And I’m not talking content from premium paid sites the way Pornhub or Redtube have seven-minute excerpts from premium scenes either. Hqporner provides full scenes, with absolutely no reduction in video or audio quality. I have no idea how they are able to get away with this, or if it’s even legal for them to do from a copyright standpoint, but who the fuck cares, am I right? It’s free premium content!
There are only a few downsides to hqporner: 1.) the age-old problem of ads, and 2.) it would be nice to be able to view more related videos without having to jump to a new page. Regarding the ads, I will admit that I have seen much worse in terms of density, invasiveness, and grossness of content, but they still piss me off and take my head out of the game. To Hqporner’s credit, though, the ads are sparse and they most likely aren’t gonna deflate your hard-on.