TSDates review

TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, TSdates.com is exactly what it sounds like.
The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium Adult Transsexual Dating site, which is what you were hoping for, right? On any dating site, you want plenty of people signed up and connected at any point. You’ll never get a tranny to shake her dick in your face if you’re looking for one in a virtual ghost town. TSdates claims to have nearly 100 million members, which is “More single, local transsexual hotties than any other sites!”