Find Bride review

Find Bride
If we look past the old-fashioned design, then this site is rather well laid out. You’ve got all the important information right where it’s supposed to be. All the tabs are well organized. While we’re at it, let’s talk about the tabs at the top, and you already know where this is going. The Home tab, the goddamn Home tab. It’s literally right underneath the logo of the website which takes you to the exact same location. Looking past that, you’ll notice that whenever you click on a tab, it will color the tab gold to indicate on which page you’re currently on. This works nicely, except for the tab New Ladies. This tab stays red for some reason. New Ladies? More like New Guy to write CSS for your site, am I right? Anyone? RIGHT, so what else are we dealing with here?
On this page, we’ve got ladies of all shapes and sizes. From bimbo blonde to goth black. From chubby housewife to a skinny fashion model. From a desperate divorcee in her 50s, to gold-digging slut in her 20s. This site really appeals to a wide demographic. And hey, it’s not like it’s any different if you go out on a real date, so why not treat yourself? You can see that you have plenty of options for every chick on this page. You can instant message them, send them a letter, gift them something, cam with them, watch their video, and look at their profile. And of course, you can add them to your favorites as you make a list of potential coitus-ready wives. Then you get to narrow them down as you close in on your woman of choice.
On this page, you can also choose to see Online Ladies, instead of New Ladies, or list both at the same time. You can also set the lower and upper age limit. There always seem to be plenty of ladies online at any point in time. So, don’t be afraid to message them and start up a conversation. If you can’t find a girl of your liking that’s online right now, then simply message any lady, and she’ll respond once she sees your message. I mean she has to, she’s contractually obliged! Obliged… What a cool word.