FetLife review

Partly responsible for this huge uptick in kink involvement is a social media website called FetLife. It seems as if Fet Life came out at the perfect time, right in the middle of the rise of social media, and it has stuck around as an institution to all things kink ever since.
Not only is it responsible for aiding veteran fetishists in organizing and communicating, but it has shown many a novice enthusiast of kink culture the ropes, so to speak. Their easy to use platform has become nothing short of iconic in the last few years, allowing people to easily and effectively chart where they fall on the spectrum of kink.
FetLife, launched in January of 2008, was created by a software designer from Montreal, John Kopanas (sometimes referred to by his username, John Baku). After becoming frustrated with the difficulty of finding girls who had the same kinks as him, he launched Friends With Fetishes, which, over a couple of years, evolved into the FetLife site we know and love today.
FetLife became nothing short of a social media phenomenon and has, as of 2017, over 6 million users. This number, of course, is still growing as people are constantly exploring and discovering their own sexual desires.
Originally, any user could create a group dedicated to whatever kink they wanted. But, as you might imagine, this eventually got out of hand and, thus, required some stricter moderation. In January of 2017, the ability to create groups was temporarily halted. All groups containing words like blood, needles, rape, or incest were purged from the site and then the group creation feature was reinstated, with these new limitations.