OneClickChicks review

Wait a Minute…Ads Can Be Done Tastefully?
I would definitely be remiss if I didn’t mention the relative lack of advertisements on One Click Chicks. In fact, the only place on the entire forum where there are ads is the bottom of the home page, and I wasn’t even annoyed by it—they are transparent, first of all, about the fact that they’re advertising, and the ad is just for, the community’s camming site of choice. Plus, they link to, so you won’t hear any complaints from me!
Is One Click Chicks the Online Community You’ve Been Waiting For?
My overarching complaint with the site is the same complaint I tend to have with most of the homemade sites that I’ve browsed. And that is the glaring lack of quality in the images. I know, I know, you gotta work with what you can find, but I’d really like to encourage all amateur porn enthusiasts to focus a little more on generating good homemade content of their own. Especially if you’re going to go out of your way to take pictures or videos of yourself, why not put a little bit more effort into it?
If you’re looking for a solid and active community of like-minded people with a kink for amateur or voyeuristic porn, One Click Chicks will be right up your alley. However, if you’re looking for top-notch, high-quality blow-your-load-and-go material, you’ll likely have better luck on a tube or a paid site.
There are definitely images and videos on here that you’d have a really hard time finding anywhere else on the web (like amateur dressed/undressed collages and sneaky upskirt pics of normal chicks you might run into at the gas station), as well as some really fascinating tales of real-life erotica. Even if you don’t think you would normally get into a site like this, I say check it out. Who knows, you might find that you have a hidden talent for writing really successful erotic fiction.
If you have a kink that you have found trouble relaying to the people in your social circle, definitely check out One Click Chicks. There could be an entire community of like-minded freaks just waiting to talk your ear off about it with you. At the very least, stick around and enjoy some interesting amateur snapshots and videos that you won’t easily find anywhere else.
Or maybe you want to try your hand at my challenge to produce some more quality amateur content. Workshop your own photos and videos at One Click Chicks. See what’s working, maybe get some feedback on what isn’t. See if you have what it takes to be a successful author of erotica. The world is your oyster (or your clam, as it were), you might as well try out as many different channels of pleasure as possible!