CumOnPrintedPics review

I don’t even really have to discuss the annoying ads on this site or reiterate the fact that I don’t understand the appeal of tribute porn at all at this point. The fact that there are sick fucking pieces of shit on this site posting pictures of little girls for other sick fucking pieces of shit to jack off to is more than enough for me to say fuck it. If you are a moderator of Cum on Printed Pics and you are reading this right now, I have four words for you: do a better job.
Figure your shit out. If you are truly committed to keeping little girls off of your site (as you obviously fucking should be) then figure out a way to take preventative measures so that it can’t happen. Why the fuck should a user even have the ability to post things with titles that indicate illegal content? Auto-flag certain keywords, be more vigilant in your checks of content, review posts before they go up, do something!
It is not acceptable for sites to operate on the honor system when it comes to shit like this. Mainly because the honor system requires that the people operating within it have a sense of honor, to begin with. And you know who doesn’t have a shred of honor? Fucking pedophiles, that’s who. You can’t take a backseat to shit like this and just expect pedophiles to do the right thing and not post underage content. Pedophiles are a cancer; they will spread if given the right environment.
All in all, if you are into the whole tribute porn thing, there is a thriving community of equally sad guys to jizz on pictures with. The same goes for those of you who are into Photoshopped nudes and fake celebs. It has the potential to be a great community for these purposes. But it needs to be better moderated before I’ll ever recommend it.