BathMate Direct review

BathMate Direct
The front page of Bathmate Direct is covered in sleek-looking tubes, shiny plastic and male models smiling, presumably about their improved girth. Before I explored the store, though, I wanted to find out a little more about the company. They’ve got a pretty in-depth interview with the Bathmate inventor, John Oakes.
Our dude Johnny is a mechanical engineer with decades of experience. He originally designed the dick pump for a friend of his who fucked up his spine and couldn’t keep it up anymore. It’s probably the noblest reason for inventing a penis pump, and what do you know? It actually worked.
“The human penis is, after all, a hydraulically operated organ,” Oakes says, “so why not surround the penis with warm water and generate a hydro-vacuum, thereby working in harmony with the penis?”
The Q&A is a must-read if you’re really considering typing your credit card number into, and it’s also just interesting as hell. The About Us section of most sex device websites is written by some underpaid copywriter trying to sound boring and professional without necessarily understanding the material. John Oakes has plenty of real science to drop, having invented the fucking thing, and also provides a lot of firsthand info on the development and use of the Bathmate.