The Best NSFW GIFS review

In my many years as a proud chronic masturbator and porn connoisseur I’ve discovered a simple fact of life that stems from deep within male psychology – Different porn is the best kind of porn. If you’ve been jacking off to tit shots for a week, pussy pics are going to get you rock hard afterwards. If you haven’t played a porn game in months, it’ll be the hottest shit you’ve ever seen. For some reason, the cock craves variety. It’s like it has a diet and you need to balance it out with all the right nutrients. If you’re not getting enough tits and ass, your dick will let you know by staying limper than usual until you switch it up. That’s why I like the roulette wheel that is /r/The_Best_NSFW_GIFS.
On this sub, you never know what you’re going to get. The whole premise is that you’re supposed to post and of course masturbate to actual gifs taken from mainstream pornography. Now, mainstream porn on its own can be a bit bland, especially if you’re browsing recommended sections. It always boils down to the same cookie-cutter shit that the average dude has deemed the hottest. For the past two years we’ve been stuck on a “stepdaughter” binge for some reason, so if you do try to spin the wheel on a popular tube site, chances are that’s all you’re going to see. Triple-A pornstars pretending to be your adoptive sister, asking for a cock sandwich. That’s fun the first 100 times around, but after that, even if you blue-ball yourself, you need to switch things up.