NovelTrove review

You can just go online to Novel Trove and find some of the sexiest stories online. This site is probably more for women than it is for men because most women prefer to read their porn versus watching it. So, here you will find an awesome collection of hot stories to read at night when you come home from work and want to put your vibrator to good use. Hey, if you are a guy and you’re reading this, you could get your wife to read a story she likes and see if that helps to spice it up.
On the home page, you will see the most recent stories uploaded to the site. You will see tons of categories. The cool thing about stories is that they do not have to be bound by the laws of earthly physics like porn movies. Similar to anime, they can encompass sci-fi ideas that could never be enacted in real life. The categories, however, are pretty similar to what you might see on a porn site