Xpee review

The previews are alright. A little too small for my taste, but you get the information you need from them. You get the title, duration, view count, upload date, and user rating all right there in a little box. No cursor hovering needed. But the previews are just still images from the video, nothing spectacular. A slideshow would be a welcome feature for you guys, but I’m personally glad they didn’t have it. Something your dude just can’t stomach, but more power to you sick fucks out there who can dig this content.
Don’t worry, I don’t skimp on my duties. Ha, duty. I went through and watched a bunch of these videos to get a gauge of how the player works. It’s actually not bad at all. The videos play with very minimal buffering. Granted, you’re not going to be getting many, if any, HD videos on this site due to the amateur production values. But, hey, you can flip through and watch 10/10 dime pieces drop their panties and shit on the floor for your enjoyment. You can’t really ask for more after that.
Beneath the video player, you get related videos and on the right, you can bookmark the video, check out the tags, or share the video If you are a fucking psycho. The only feature I noted that was missing was a download button. It would cool if you could download all of these amateur vids for your own personal filthy spank bank, but you’re shit out of luck there.
Aside from videos, they have a few menu options up top that you may want to know about. You can flip through their most searched tags if you want. Spoiler alert, the most searched term is “scat.” Who would have fucking thought? Next, you can register for an account. It’s free, but doesn’t do all that much, so it’s your call if you want an email associated with the site. You can upload your own personal breed of scat porn if you want. And lastly, they have a button that will take you right back to my awesome site for more scat site reviews.