Chat Avenue review

Chat Avenue
Chat rooms, especially video chat rooms, ended up being the target of a lot of worried moms. And, to be fair, in some cases, for good reason. The chat room in the early aughts was a pedophile’s playground. Although, I’m not sure that analogy works all too well in this instance, seeing as a playground would probably be a pedophile’s playground, but you get the picture.
Lots of predators liked to lurk around chat rooms, trying to lure in underage girls (and boys probably … I’m glad young me was smart enough not to try and meet up with any of these “girls” I chatted with on AIM. It’s truly a shame, too, because they could have been such good resources for picking up chicks. Or, at the very least, having a little bit of one-off cybersex or cam fun without the high price tag of xxx cam sites. Leave it to the pedos to ruin a good thing for everyone else.
Believe it or not, though, there are still a few chat room sites out there, scattered around the web. Some of them even cater to those of you who like to do the webcam thing. The only problem is, the majority of them look like they were designed in the late ’90s. This is probably because most of them were designed in the late ’90s. And for whatever reason, the people who run the site never found it prudent to revamp or keep with the times. Many of them are like digital ghost towns, where you enter and find maybe one or two other horny dudes that you just know haven’t left their bedrooms in weeks. Hell, they’re probably the same pedos that were talking to me when I was a teenager.