Dukes Hardcore Honeys review

Dukes Hardcore Honeys
DukesHardcoreHoneys.com is a unique site. It’s not like anything else you’ve been to. It’s a premium porn comic site full of hardcore porn comics, short animations, and a few more crazy things I’ll get into later. All of the work here is done by a single artist, barring guest collaborations. This site has been around since back in 2009 and is currently drawing in around 100-200 thousand of you fucks every month. Might not seem like a lot, but those are some decent numbers for a paid site dedicated to a single artist/author.
If you were paying any sort of attention, then you know this is a premium site. That means you’ve got to lay down some cash to get access to these hardcore honeys. Usually, I’m skeptical of paying for porn like this, but I’m always down with supporting artists. Especially ones that draw big bootied bitches getting fucked. And, not going to lie, the membership here isn’t particularly cheap. Monthly memberships will run you around 20-25 bucks, and there weren’t many discounted rates for long term memberships. The longest you could go in for was 3 months at a time.
At least you can preview the content on the site before you dive in for the membership. You can view 1-minute clips from most of the animated videos, as well as get a page or two look when it comes to the comics. And you’ll want to do some browsing before you sign up. The art is very stylized here and some of you won’t like it. Can’t blame you. Some shit isn’t for everyone. But if you get hard at the site of these busty BDSM babes, then keep sticking with me on this deep dive