BentBox review

BentBox calls itself “a sales platform for photos and videos,” which certainly sounds innocent enough. The thing is, I doubt they’d be pulling nearly 4,000 visits a month if they were just selling photos of DIY scrapbooking crafts and millennials showing off their fucking Starbucks. The landing page looks pretty sparkly clean and family-friendly, but before I can even read it, a disclaimer pops up, asking if I’d like to see adult content. They ain’t doing that at Shutterstock, I can tell you that much.
Just for shits and giggles, I checked out BentBox with the adult filter turned on before I went in for the full picture. I can see from a bunch of exposed titties that some of these girls maybe haven’t read the rules. Then again, maybe they play by a more European model of “adults only.” Americans are known for freaking the fuck out at the sight of a nipple, which is considered far more offensive than showing actual murders on TV.
You know what, though? Even in the “clean” photos without any exposed nips or genitalia, it’s clear these girls are all really selling one thing: sex. There are babes posing in bikinis, blindfolded beauties in lingerie, beach babes with their asses hanging out, and a whole fucking ton of cosplay girls. The top of the clean stream features a really hot Spider Gwen, and a stunning Leeloo further down.
If is this sexy in SFW mode, it’s probably going to fucking rock when we turn the filter off, right? Goddamn right! Suddenly those foot fetish videos and pinup model shoots are buried in a wash of full nude beach shots, pussy-flashing bedroom photos, DIY masturbation scenes, and a video of a dude straight-up fisting his wife. The scope of perversion runs wide and deep at BentBox.
Each thumbnail in the stream represents a piece of premium content available from the artist herself. On BentBox, clips and galleries are sold as a Box. The cunt-diddling redhead has 2 videos in her featured box, and a teen slut in a really revealing Christmas outfit has 102 jpegs in her box.