XRares review

X Rares was released late 2017, but already has found a strong following. I think that even though the website has several issues, the niche is good enough that people are attracted to it.
XRares may be about fake rape videos, but it really just tries to rape YOU with ads. In addition to the popups, pop-unders, and top and bottom banners, it also tries to hide its ads inside the rest of the content. Most glaring is that the top row of each video gallery will be ad links (adjusted to look like a normal video). Secondly, their navigation button at the top mixes ad links with the legitimate links, so when you’re trying to explore the site you just get fucked in the eyeballs with ads.
Finally, there is a bigass fucking banner at the top of each page saying pay us to remove all ads, meaning they totally understand how fucking pissed you’re getting. If you watch where you’re going, it’s all obvious and easy to avoid, but like I always say when one head is working the other one ain’t.
The general design of the website is simple but outdated. If websites were vape pens, this place is more like an old cigarette. The color scheme is boring, and the overall “feel” of the place is sluggish and last-gen. On the other hand, the place is very straightforward and easy to navigate (aside from the ads). You won’t get lost in this hall of rape.