CutScenes review

The design of the page is actually pretty neat if you ask me. It's easy to find whatever the hell you're looking for, so you could say that is very friendly to newcomers. I mean, this is already an established I won't be repeating myself for the third time. So, what about the color scheme? Most people probably wouldn't care about something like this, but the visuals matter to me quite a bit. You've all seen pages at some point in your life that make you want to leave as soon as you load them up, even if you know their content is great. This website is not one of those pages. The design is fairly simple. For example, the homepage only has one section, while there are only a few header tabs at the top of the website. There's also a little search bar at the top of the website. It's best to look up the name of your favorite actress up in there and see if she's ever made any nude scenes that you don't know about.
So, this page has a neat little rating system. If you like a certain video, you hit the "like" button, and if you don't like it, then you hit the dislike button. You also get to see the number of votes a certain video has. Furthermore, you also get to see the number of people that have seen a certain video. Furthermore, you may also share or report certain videos if you feel like they don't belong on Now, obviously, you also get the option of commenting on the movies if you want to let the world know what you think about the movie you're watching right now. Furthermore, it should also be noted that you have to create an account on this website in order to drop comments. This was a no-brainer, obviously.