DaftSex Lesbian review

DaftSex Lesbian
Daftsex.com a porn site that stacks quality porn of up to 1080p that are frequently refreshed. The site has been around for over 3 years now, is fast and estimated to be worth about $702537.18. While the owner is using a service to hide their identity, the site's location can be traced down to the United States. To top it up, the website is deemed popular with a ranking of 3429.
I thought the site's design was pretty basic and way too streamlined. There are literary very few buttons on the menu bar which consists of only two buttons which include; hottest, categories and pornstars. Also, I couldn’t help but notice their shield-like logo with initials D and S which is pretty much cool. The lesbian page has lots of quality and impressive thumbnails of lesbian videos with easy previews at a point of a cursor on any video. You can filter the videos to HD, duration ( long, short or any) date added or relevance.