9GAG NSFW review

9GAG.com has been serving up dank memes and pretty girls since 2008. The online image-sharing and social media site hosts user-generated material from all over the goddamn place and is often considered the butthole of the Internet. Why? Because all the shit you see on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and whatever the kids are using this week originated at 9GAG. I’m a sketchy-ass dude, so naturally, I gravitated toward the site’s NSFW section. If I had a boss, I’d totally get fired, but don’t let that stop you from fucking up your productivity with a visit to this haven of hotties, double entendres, and some deeply nerdy jokes.
9GAG ain’t your typical porn site. In fact, it ain’t a porn site at all. Even the NSFW section, rated Not Safe for Work, has “No sexually explicit content” written right under the NSFW header, to which I ask, WTF? Why bother with a section of material you shouldn’t look at with the boss around if you’re going to pussy out and avoid the nipples, the raging cocks, and close-ups of mouths, cooters, and buttholes being penetrated by them? It seems like pansy-ass bullshit for little baby wimps, but who am I to judge?