The visuals of
Watch My Gf reminds me of some flash game from 2012, and I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. Rather, it's a nice aesthetic for a porn website. It's pretty neat, actually. You get a grey background, and on top of it you get a layer of white letters, thumbnails, above the black background you get a white bar that sits on top, and on this bar, you get a home button, and right next to it you get a search bar as well. It looks pretty neat, and I'd say it's actually very comfy. Next, to the search bar, you get options to share the videos you saw here on Facebook, VK, Twitter and so on.
Why would you share any of these things on a social network? It would be the dumbest thing ever. Do you want your family to see what kind of porn you're watching? Obviously, you don't. So, these buttons are pretty much pointless. Also, doesn't facebook literally automatically ban you if you post pornography there? Well, nevermind that. Right next to the big red button that says "upload," you get to see two more buttons. The first one says "login" and that one's going to be useless to you unless you hit the button right next to it. That would be the "sign up" button.
The player
A good porno website isn't worth shit without a good player, and that's facts. WatchMyGf happens to have a decent player, which is a big plus. Let's take a look at it then, shall we? Take a look at the home page and click on any thumbnail you find attractive, and soon enough, you will see the player. Once you do finally see the player, you will notice that it really is quite nice. First off, it doesn't show you any ads, and I care about ads a lot.
You don't see ThePornDude spamming ads on his page, right? That's because I hate them. They belong in the trash and so do the kind folks behind WatchMyGf. I know that very well. Nothing pisses me off as much as a bunch of random ads popping up on my screen after I try to turn down the volume on my porno. Just keeping it real!
Just imagine having your speakers turned up all the way up and trying to turn down the video but instead you are unable to do so, and bitches scream through your speakers for like thirty seconds until you are able to turn the sound down on the website. That kind of thing happened to me a lot of times, and I have to say it sucks. But oh well, we don't have to worry about that on since the issue is non-existent. So, to sum it up: no ads.
Next, you don't get something like a fancy option to "turn down the light," however, you can watch your videos in full screen. Probably the most important thing about this player is the fact that it loads videos quickly. You'll find a few options right underneath the video, and these are actually quite useful. First off, the first button which is also known as the "info" button will show you all the important information about the porn video you are watching at the moment.
There is the share button. You'll use this one if you want to show someone the porno you're watching at the moment. There is also one button that shows you the comments, which is great. You may also report a video if you think that it shows something offensive, and that's what the "report" button is for. Next, but not least, you get an option to download the video you are currently watching, which is great, to be quite honest. I mean, most websites won't let you have their videos.