BootyTape review

BootyTape tried to make “xxx” a thing for all porn sites. Be it as it may, that’s not the main focus of their website, and despite the name concentrating on booty tapes and xxx videos, this place is actually very diverse when it comes to the content that you can download from it. Of course, you need to accept the fact that you won’t be able to download anything directly as this place is actually a torrent site. And we all know how torrents work. Well, at least I do. I’m not saying that I download things illegally, by the way, I just download things that are legal to be downloaded, either way, I just like to share. Heh, Got out of that one.
One thing that I really love about is the design. I mean who doesn’t like a good dark design? I know I do, and I am willing to check these dark designs out any day of the week. doesn’t exactly have a completely dark background, and instead, it has a little bit of white on it as well. But who cares, it’s still darker than most sites and it’s going to save a lot of battery life on LED phone screens as well as allow you to browse it safely at night without burning your fucking eyes out. I know that these backgrounds are what makes or breaks a site which is why my site has a dark mode as well.